March 11, 2010


Sometimes out of nowhere a certain feeling comes over you, one that is all to familiar. The human heart is an interesting thing.
The brain can spend hours rethinking the same event over and over, trying to remember even the smallest thing that might have gone unnoticed at the time. In the end it can even do a great job of convincing others, and yourself, that your emotions pertaining to that specific incident are under control, and they very well might be. Things are forgotten in time, new memories replace old ones and people grow up, they grow apart and then they grow old. However, there is something to be said for that unstoppable force that occurs when the heart and the brain synchronize for even a moment. You have all felt it, and I personally think it defines the term bittersweet.
Its that first warm breeze you feel in spring that reminds you of summer, it’s the short whiff you get of an ex’s scent, it’s the unexplained smell of a campfire in the midwinter that brings you right back to summer camp and its the song that you hear in the background which reminds you of your first kiss. These moments cannot be controlled and depending on circumstance can be either heartbreaking or heartwarming. I recently felt a breeze that smelt of a cool summer night, the kind where you put a sweatshirt on and immediately mold into it allowing your spine to curl forward as you pop the hood and stretch the sleeves over your hands. I last felt that sensation with someone who was special to me but is no longer in my life. I got goose bumps, then I smiled and then I returned to reality after living in the moment for only a brief second. In my circumstance it is important to remember why that person is gone, however sometimes, regardless of how much pain your hart felt and how hard your brain had to work to get over it, it’s a blessing to be reminded that you once felt that way and to know that feeling is possible again. Happy feeling to you all and may your first breeze be bittersweet.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post and the long trip down memory lane it sent me on. Thanks for the happy feelings and bittersweet breezes!
